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  • The 5 Most Unorthodox Steps to Create a Community

The 5 Most Unorthodox Steps to Create a Community

with just an email list

Hey Helios!

Sorry, this email is arriving on Sunday instead of Saturday like usual.

I’ve been sick all weekend.

But, I haven’t let that stop me from telling you how your previous buyers are still waiting to hear from you!

This is quite an unorthodox way of building communities, ngl.

Compared to me usually telling you to just go ahead and build everything on top of your social media, make a huge launch and,

Cash in.

Deliver the best results.

Get on top of the Skool leaderboard.


Most of the business owners just collect 24,000 emails on ClickFunnels (of previous buyers) and do what - exactly - nothing.
No cap, literally recently spoke to one.

They end up with a large email list that sits there, collecting dust, while all of their outbound marketing goes towards finding new leads.

A few of the owners who email their previous buyers, typically ask for a review/testimonial and the conversation ends there.

Maybe 2 or 3 of the business owners (whom I spoke to)  properly follow up with their list, and it leads them to revenue far greater than if they were only looking for new customers.

Asking for a review/testimonial/previous experience from your audience over email is superior.

You got their attention and now can get the best information possible to build community in literally 5 steps (just over email)

But before you do that, over email, set more or less 10 interviews with different people and ask 5 simple questions:

  • What is your main problem right now?

  • Have you tried anything to solve it?

  • What was the product that you tried and how much have you paid?

  • What do you think would solve your problem?

  • How much would you pay for it?

Oh, now you got 10 different responses?

Cool, you got all the info you need aka:

  • Who are your competitors

  • What is your unique angle to sell

  • What solution your audience want

  • How much your audience can pay you

Even more, at this point you might have a list of 10 buyers (if you ask them to pay on the call and make a pitch - maybe you are a wizard, idk)

Now, look

Here’s the trick

You won’t even need to get a Skool trial to test out a community

Just literally do those things:

1.  Write more emails with a CTA to reply, ask real thought-provoking questions


2.  Now, group the emails and start group conversations.


3.  When you see the conversation going beyond 5 - 6 emails, and you potentially see many more replies coming in from future members, then ask your subscribers if they are okay with moving this conversation to a thread inside a community platform (or even a Telegram chat, Discord server, WhatsApp group).


4.  Host regular meet-up calls on Google Meet or Zoom, and keep the conversation going. Here you will find more interesting topics to discuss in the coming weeks, aka more newsletter issues.


5.  Record the conversation and share this on your social media, get more people to know about your newsletter.

If you repeat those steps long enough, you will already have a really active audience of contributors.

So, not just lurkers with money.


Those who will invite other members.
Bring you on top of the leaderboard by engaging.

This is the most unexplored, yet effective, way to go about creating a community without fancy launch strategies.

Did you get it?

Not sure?

Well, good news for you.

We can hop on a call and discuss your ideal strategy.

Will answer all of the questions you got, and lay out the whole roadmap.

All for you, my subscriber, for free, though I usually charge for such calls.

If you don’t have an email list but know someone who desperately needs to improve their community or create one, just email me their name, will reach to them out ;)

Here’s the button in case you want to book a call:

See ya next Sunday or maybe earlier,