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  • The Power of a Strong Community – Why You Can’t Do It Alone

The Power of a Strong Community – Why You Can’t Do It Alone

this keeps even the best of us stuck

When I first started on Twitter, I was lost.

For the first two weeks, I was disoriented—despite following all the advice from experts. I was posting consistently, engaging with others, and trying everything I could to grow, but I couldn’t break past 100 followers.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re screaming into the void.

It was frustrating, exhausting, and honestly, a little disheartening. I was on the verge of burnout because I thought I had to do it all on my own.

Then something clicked.

I realized that the key wasn’t just putting out content—it was connecting with people.

So I started reaching out. I connected with as many people as possible, not just to grow my numbers, but to actually learn from them. In the next 28 days, my follower count jumped to over 1,000. More importantly, I had a base of people who I knew.
I had conversations with them, understood their problems, and built real relationships.

This is the foundation for building a strong community—paid or free. It’s not just about the number of followers you have; it’s about the depth of those connections.

When you know the struggles and pain points of your audience, you’re not just another voice shouting into the void. You’re offering something real, something that resonates.

You Need a Core Team

Here’s the truth: You can’t do it alone.

I see so many entrepreneurs and creators burn out because they try to wear all the hats— content creator, community manager, marketer, strategist — you name it.

That was me.

It wasn’t until I started leaning on others—finding those 2-3 key people in my network to act as thought partners—that I really started to grow.
Having a core group or community to support you, share knowledge, and hold you accountable accelerates your growth faster than you could ever achieve alone.

Most people fail not because they don’t have the skills or the knowledge, but because they try to do it all solo. They’re missing the power of a community.

Enter: My Free Community

That’s exactly why I’m launching a free community — because I know how valuable it is to have that support network. I want to provide a space where creators, entrepreneurs, and community builders can connect, share resources, and grow together.

For the longest while I dreaded it since that would’ve been something that everyone would judge me by.
And I didn’t want to see reaction like “oh, community builder can’t build a community” in case I did something wrong

But, congratulate me, I am overcoming that fear

This community will be for people who want to build a paid community but are struggling to figure out how. I’ll be sharing my behind-the-scenes insights as I build more ventures and communities of my own, providing real value for those ready to level up.

You’ll get all the knowledge and strategies I’ve used to build low-maintenance, highly engaged communities that don’t suck the life out of you.

No more spinning your wheels alone.

It’s time to surround yourself with people who get it.

Actionable Step:

Start building your tribe now. Identify 2-3 key people in your existing network to act as accountability or thought partners. These are the people you’ll grow with—don’t wait to find them.

Want to see how a strong community can push you forward?
My free community is launching in just one week.
Stay tuned for an invite to join and accelerate your journey.

Right now, you can reply to this email and let me know what your biggest struggle with building a community is—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Valeria that Overcame Her Fear