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  • why I am reviving this newsletter from ashes

why I am reviving this newsletter from ashes

like a phoenix

Hey, I am back

Now with even more value and things to share

What can you expect from me from now on?

• One email a week for sure, but I will drop some findings throughout the week
(and yes, only for email subscribers, the web version will see weekly updates only)
• I am talking only about what works for me AND breaking down other communities
• New topics - launches, business strategies, gamification
• Short, will take 2 minutes to read
(unless I go crazy, and I can)

Today I wanted to share with you one thing that I tweeted about and left it as it is


“OMG Val, as if I didn’t know it, come on. Everyone talks about it”

Yes, but no one does it and that’s a problem

Look at this mind map we’ve created just on that session

don’t zoom in, you won’t see anything

It let us figure out the marketing of the whole brand and the trajectory of the community

That’s where the real $ lies

The key to having a great brainstorming session is coming prepared and being silent

My client might not come with all the answers to the questions
Even if I drop the whole list of questions in advance

So it becomes my job to figure out how I can get their vision out of their heads

And speak it out

I start with the most basic questions and then dig deeper and deeper

From simple questions about the product itself to how they see educating members should go and what roadblocks members can have

The main rule is - that I care about technicalities, my clients give me their vision

I am not here to teach them what’s right or wrong
I am here to listen carefully and nudge in the right direction when needed

Just digging deep into their belief system and seeing where we don’t align
Then ask “why” as many times as needed

And always remembering why we are here, what’s the main goal of the community and the business for the founder

Community is an important, powerful tool for marketing
And you better discuss it with founders and marketers responsible for success

Otherwise - strategy flops

So better have that brainstorming session

That’s it for today, see you soon ;)