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What matters most for a great engagement and sales?

not what you think...

I was thinking about what to write in here…

Some of the guests visited my head, and they weren’t pleasant

Guests with one name: “oh what will they think?” - occupied my head

But I decided to let them run away

And this is how the whole email got fitted into 4 lines

You may go like “What does it have to do with my social media?”

I will ask you then: “What is something that you’re not talking about because you feel you won’t be understood?”

This is something that can help you recognize your uniqueness

Because your account is not like this website

You are not Wikipedia

People would go on Wikipedia unless it wasn’t about:
1) Your personality
2) Your experience
3) Your way of thinking

This is what people are after

And if you’re afraid of hate

Think about this - you’re already facing hate

It’s just that it’s in your head

Now it’s time to hear it

So, maybe you should finally stop being a “good boy” or a “good girl”

Because good boys and girls are not in demand
(never in demand, not even in relationships)

Being perfect was never a requirement, your thinking made it feel like it

Same in communities, but that’s something to talk about next time

I, as a “bad girl” will keep you on the edge of your seat

I might drop an email tomorrow

Might drop it on weekend

But it will be here, trust me