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  • Free + Paid Community Funnel - Detailed Case Breakdown

Free + Paid Community Funnel - Detailed Case Breakdown

Hey there, community builders and brand monetizers!

Ready for a deep dive into issues of free + paid community funnel and different scenarios that each creator has and what action to take in each situation.

By the way, I will be dropping almost daily newsletters into your inbox, so beware
(if you’re reading this online, maybe it’s time to subscribe)

This is a rough outline though, just taking an imaginary Joe who has got different kinds of personal brands.

Scenario 1: The Strong Personal Brand Playbook

Got a rock-solid personal brand?

More than 100,000 followers and a great newsletter?

Here’s the game plan:

  • Filter Like a Boss: Be selective. It's all about quality, not quantity.

  • Use a Form: Screen potential members to find those perfect fits.

  • Leverage for Conversions: This exclusive club isn't just cool, it's a conversion machine.

Scenario 2: Newsletter First, Community Next

Running a killer newsletter?

You might not need a free community.

Just look at George Ten and his 600-member-strong CopyThinkers community.
(well, technically he is more of a personal brand mogul, but he sold mainly through newsletter)

  • Simplicity Wins: Direct conversion from newsletter to paid community. No fuss, no muss.

  • Twitter Hype: A sprinkle of social media magic never hurts.

Scenario 3: The Underdog Strategy

Starting with less than 10,000 followers and no buzzing newsletter?
That’s no biggie.

  • Free/Low Ticket to High Ticket: Start with a free or low-ticket community, then upsell. (otherwise, you will be stuck in churn hell)

  • Waitlist Wonders: Make sure you’ve got demand before launching your offerings.

Broad vs. Narrow Approach

  • Broad Approach: More members, lower conversion rates, but hey, massive social proof!

  • Narrow Approach: Filter for potential payers and action-takers for higher conversion rates.

Pro Tip: Cap your free community at a certain number. This creates urgency, boosts perceived value, and ensures those who join early remain active. Later on, switch to paid to keep that exclusivity and value high.

It’s All About Conversions

Strong Brand + Great Value Proposition = Success: Like the Grim Hustle community, combining a compelling brand with high-value offerings makes your community a must-join.

Active Engagement is Key 

Remember, the heart of a great community is active members. Paying members who aren’t active? That’s a no-go. You want people who contribute, engage, and keep the community vibrant.

So, which model fits your brand? Broad and bustling or narrow and high-value? The choice is yours, but remember, it's all about striking the right balance and keeping those members engaged and happy!

Until next time, keep building and monetizing! 😉 