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  • Everyone Needs Their Angel (and it's You)

Everyone Needs Their Angel (and it's You)

and how it's connected with me having a stroke

Hey, not sure how your week has been
Tell me more, actually, just reply to this email with a picture, or maybe brag about what you recently accomplished

I wanna listen to some epic stories from you ;)
(because I don’t want to be the only one to share something, alright)

So, I secretly hosted a workshop for one of the communities where I am a founding member

Okay, I tweeted about it, so not that secretly

In overall, it was a lot of fun, and I covered a lot

But today, I realized that I missed one thing

And I realized it not when I was deep into 7.5 hour-in-total flow-mode-work


I realized it when I went on a run and I was right there

we got this “dip” with quite good elevation from both sides

Actually, I suck at running, and that’s something that I hate

but still willingly do, occasionally tho

So, I am running up and down those hills, occasionally switching to a walk

But then, once I reach the top, the other time, I just stop completely

I am totally out of breath and just disoriented, standing there

A guy starts to approach me and makes a gesture for me to get my headphones off

I brace myself and nod my head in a “huh” question

And he goes: “Never stop like that. I used to be a pro athlete for 8 years. Had a habit of stopping after running instead of walking and it got me a micro stroke. Now I will never run again… and I’m just 20. Beware.”

I stood there terrified, thanked him a lot, and started walking, then kept on with my usual therapy session workout.

At that moment I felt like some angel just descended on Earth for a second to let me know what a small stupid mistake I was making

And, let me tell you something

I wanted
And needed that

And others need it to

From there come such conclusions:

Others need your small, minute advice that could’ve once helped you out
(or that actually helped you out)

That’s also why others want and need coaching

And that’s why others need communities even more because they want this one-minute-remedy from others

I guess that’s all for today
Now you know that stopping too fast after you run can cause a stroke and it wasn’t just a stupid rule for runners

Will see you soon on this side of the Internet,