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  • #8 Secret pill to the best-selling course | HelioHype | 💜💛

#8 Secret pill to the best-selling course | HelioHype | 💜💛

How to make sure you bring people result?

Hello, my dear Helio

I hope that this Sunday morning the sun is shining brighter than usually :)Today it's going to be a bit of an unusual newsletter - I'm covering communities for course creators and people who want to monetize their unique edge.When you understand that you have knowledge in any field of life,you can monetize it.You don't need to be the best at it, you can do it just 20% better than the average.The most important thing is that you can explain how to do it.Everything starts with coaching, then it continues with group cohortsthen you decide to create a course, but after all of that you realize - community is the way.

Why so?That's only because community can help you make sure that people do what's needed.If people do what's needed - they achieve their goals.If people achieve their goals - they bring more people in your community.If people bring more people into your community - you create a vehicle of growth and value.It's always a good idea to combine a business that brings you money with a business that brings a positive change into lives of people. This way your conscience doesn't tear you late at night.Even more - I value those "thank you" from people more than any amount of money.When you receive gratitude from others, you know you're doing the right thing.Here's the visual to show you benefits of having a course with a community over just having a course:

Information itself isn't valuable, but the execution is priceless.We live in the informational age, where we can find anything in a matter of seconds.We pay for accountability, for the promise of a change, for the real growth and experince.Combine it all with the network you can develop - you get an amazing result.

The last word I'm going to say - just bring results to people and they'll reward you well.One of the ways to do this is to create a community for them.Yours,Valeria