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  • #6 Non-negotiables of any community | HelioHype | 💜💛

#6 Non-negotiables of any community | HelioHype | 💜💛

There are only 3 things that will set you up for success

Hello, my dear HeliosI understand how you and everyone else in this world wants to have a cool community.Such a community where people come in and never get out of it 😈Okay, it sounds more like a cult, actually 😂At least, you want to create such a space where people will be eager to hang out in.There are only 3 things that connect all cool communities:

  1. Good onboarding process

  2. Order and hierarchies

  3. Activities

Seriously, it's as simple (but not easy) as that.It involves a lot of trial and errors - there are tonnes of strategies when it comes to those 3 variables. You need to test, test, test.For example - if you have a forum-based community - you'd have a different order than a Discord-based community. Obviously, that's because you have a different order.Or, you won't be able to create such a nice hierarchy of roles in a Circle community as you can do it in Discord.(See how I'm vouching for Discord as one of the platforms)Let me explain every point without going into excruciating details (they're unnecessary).

Onboarding process

It's the first impression people get when they enter your community.It's like making a lasting impression on a person you see for the first time.Usually, those first seconds you meet someone either make or break your relationships.The same thing happens with your community - people either like it or not.They understand it immediately.What can you do about it?Make sure it's easy to enter your community and easy to write the first message.Usually, if people write the first message, they become committed to being active.If people meet some real person who greets them, they are bound to becoming a part of the community.


I'll give you a real-life example of a Discord server.Just don't make it look like this:

You should aim for a clear structure, which revolves around the purpose of the channel.Can you believe that this community which I showed to you earlier on is for women entrepreneurs?I can't, it's completely unclear.Define 3 topics and create channels accordingly.Don't add any clutter to it all, don't confuse people!


It's simple - make sure people have something to do or some sorts of challenges to take part in.People need to not only talk, but do something.Maybe, you can organize some online live webinars of some sort or q&a's with people.It's also a non-negotiable.Don't forget to make sure people actually join those sessions!

I hope you've found some useful information that can help you out.That's all for now, see ya next Sunday!Yours,Valeria