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  • #3 Social Media ≠ Community | HelioHype | 💜💛

#3 Social Media ≠ Community | HelioHype | 💜💛

Your followers aren't your community, unlike what most influencers say.

Hello, my dear Helio!

I'll try to keep this letter short and sweet.Why?Because there's nothing to discuss in this topic!

But people still say: "I have a community on Twitter (Instagram, TikTok, [Insert_Your_Name])"Well, you can't have a community on social media.

This is a fact. I don't want people to be so misledI don't want anyone to try to fight against it.I don't want any community builder say "Twitter is a platform for a community"

What's the difference?

For you to understand the difference between audience (on social media) and a community, I'll give you an example.

Let's say there's a writer who has a book.Can you feel the difference between reading that writer's book and going on a meeting in a bookstore with him/her ?

That's the point.When you're reading someone's book (a.k.a social media profile), you don't talk to that person (unless you're crazy and make him/her talk in your head 😂)When you're talking to that person while meeting with other fans (a.k.a meet in a community), you can ask questions and make connections with others.

What's more valuable to you?

I think that almost all of you will say that meeting is cooler than reading a book.Not only because it's hard to read a book, but because we value connections.Connections are what makes our life meaningful and bright.We were made to be in tribes, not sit by ourselves.Get out of your cage, join communities.

Seriously, I can't stress enough on how surroundings impact you. So, the next time some friends tell you to join a group chat, know that they want you to join a community that might change your life.

And don't call Twitter a community anymore, alright 😂 ?

I'd like to leave you with this table, so that you can always remember what I was talking about here:

Community is defined by Peer-to-Peer interactions (talking to each other).Audience is defined by one-way communication with an influencer.

Community is your own land (people won't run away, no one can ban).Audience is a rented land.

I hope it cleared some storm of confusion.By the way, if you've read it till the end, today I'll be hosting a Twitter Space with an amazing podcaster Mya Parker and I'd be glad if you join us today!

See you next Sunday!Yours,Valeria