• HelioHype
  • Posts
  • #25 Gurus don't notice bags of gold around them

#25 Gurus don't notice bags of gold around them

And those bags are way too easy to get

Hey, my dear Helios

That’s so obvious that it seems unreal how people don’t notice simple opportunities…

You can triple your offer easily.

I’m not talking about group coaching.

It takes way too much time…

There’s a way to earn the maximum profits without spending any time.
If you get banned, you don’t care.
If you’re tired of content creation, you don’t care.
If you’re hunting for clients, you don’t need to anymore.

Imagine getting consistent hot leads while making money passively.

“No, that’s too good to be true, I’m unsubscribing”

Wait a minute, let me tell you one word - community.

That’s how you can accomplish all of that without doing anything from your end.
If you have 2-3 hours a week (and that’s the maximum you need), you’re going to do all of that.

Building a paid community is going to propel any offer you have.

It can even be an offer itself - you can make a big premium community
(that’s going to be larger than the cohort, but smaller than a low-ticket one)

Those who are just selling their knowledge miss out.

People want to connect, that’s why they’re joining $50k masterminds.

Selling network is the best opportunity to make money in our day and age, where information is available to everyone.

Dakota Robertson didn’t just make a great ghostwriting cohort (40 members and high-ticket), he gave people an opportunity to network.
My goal was to make sure people loved it and stayed in it.
As you can see, it worked.

If you’re interested in making the most money without messing up your reputation and spending time, just reply to this email.

I can’t wait to see you reading my newsletter next Tuesday!
