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  • #20 Make your Power Fans work for you | HelioHype | 💜💛

#20 Make your Power Fans work for you | HelioHype | 💜💛

Dangerous information to know, don't open

Hello, Helios!

This is a piece of knowledge which I might possibly charge for in the future. It literally automates whole community engagement process once you manage to successfully do that.You can make your members work instead of you, but how?Easy - reward them.You don't need to pay them money, you can give something better than that.Actually, all the marketers hit one of those emotions to make sure you get hooked on their message. We're going to use it to get some cheap labor 😈Okay, I'll stop joking, don't worry.Here's the table itself:

So, we have only 5 feelings to evoke - access, status, influence, connection, challengesIt's all up to you what perks you want to choose for each one.I'm going to give you a list of the best ones in my opinion:

  • Access - give them access to information or some private chat with founders

  • Status - mention their name somewhere and add a role

  • Influence - ask them to give feedback and listen to it

  • Connection - give them access to a chat of top members

  • Challenges - allow them to work on projects with you

I believe that challenges might be the most beneficial one, it's almost like a cheat code.But you shouldn't overuse it, or give access to all of those perks to way too many people.Only give access to 1% or Power Fans who are the most active.As you can see - we've add two additional layers to make it even more scarce.

This works like 🔥Make sure you use it once you create a Power Fans programme.

See you next Sunday, I want you to get even more high-quality insights like this.
