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  • #2 - Marketing is dead. Communities are the future | HelioHype | ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›

#2 - Marketing is dead. Communities are the future | HelioHype | ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›

Your first question is "Why?" I answer it!

Hello, my Helios ;)I'm glad to see you again this Sunday.Sit down and be prepared to talk.

You got intrigued by the title itself, of course.Who wouldn't?

It was quite arrogant and self-confident to say that marketing is dead.While actually it's not.It's old marketing that's dead.And I want to show you the future after the death of it.(everything old dies, doesn't it?)

We all already know that our economy isn't old anymore.We live in the world of an attention economy.Attention is a new currency(that converts into $$$).

If attention is a new currency, then community building is gold.

That's what I'm always talking about.Not only community allows you to protect your fans from social media information bombardment, but you can gather them around a certain topic in a meaningful way.It's just priceless. You can captivate their attention.Make them talk about your topic.Make them gather around it.Make them share it all.

Well, it's not the only reason to why community building is superior to old marketing,here are some more:

  • You don't spend all your fortune on some ads

  • You use the best way to sell - target basic human emotions

  • You associate your brand with networking, lots of value, and positivity

  • You create an effortless flywheel of clients who are ready to pay and trust you

It's just unbelievable. But it works!

Look at it from the perspective of just a random person.

People are tired of being sold. People are used to getting sold. People are angry that you want to buy them.

At the same time:

People love to feel connected. People love to receive attention. People need to belong to a tribe.

Why wouldn't we do more of what people want so that we can ask them to do what we want?

That's the main logic behind what I say.I know that I need to expand on that, surely.But, for now

If you feel like you need some more proof and real-life examplesCheck this out:

See ya next Sunday, bye ;)Yours,Valeria