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  • #17 Create your Universe in real life | HelioHype | πŸ’œπŸ’›

#17 Create your Universe in real life | HelioHype | πŸ’œπŸ’›

Make your community independent - instill those 3 feelings

Hello, my dear Helios!Today we're going to expand beyond all of those nasty platforms so that no one is going to dictate us any of their rules.(Whoops, I hope you don't tell the World Government about my rebellious letters)Anyway, it's always better to fully own your members' attention.There's no better way of doing that, except for one - moving your community from all platforms.Yes, you'll be liberated for the rest of your life.Imagine meeting members of your community in real life.It's absolutely possible! I'm going to show you how right now.If you've decided to grow your community to a real-life platform, then instill those 3 feelings:

  • Sense of belonging

  • Shared sense of identity

  • Belief in a shared vision

How do you do all of that?Well, if you apply all of the advice that I give to you, you'll already have the foundational knowledge and engaged member base. But, there are always some more tweaks to make, you know.The first thing you need to do is to let people share their wins and introduce themselves.This is the most basic level.You get to the next one once people share their problems and losses.I can actually congratulate you, because it means that people trust this space enough to complain and seek for solutions. So, it's a good reason to drink some holiday black coffee.I'm joking, black coffee is something that I just run on.Then you also create rituals (things that your members need to repeat) and a name for your members. Repeat that to them until they remember it. The last thing - instill that belief in a shared vision. Help people make a transformation in their lives. That's how you get them to open their hearts and start trusting you.Once you meet all 3 conditions, I bet you can create a live event and see some people coming here.Alright, that's it for now.See you next Sunday for me to tell you a bit more insights on community building!Yours,Valeria