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  • #15 Branding isn't about logos | HelioHype | πŸ’œπŸ’›

#15 Branding isn't about logos | HelioHype | πŸ’œπŸ’›

It's way more specific than that

Hello, Helios!

I'm here to debunk all of your myths about branding in community building.So many people say that it's all about choosing the right logotype and naming your community the right way.Well, you already know the answer.It's a pure lie.In a community, you can talk to your members directly. Why would you focus on external things that much then?Don't get me wrong, logotype is important. It's just not the only thing you need to take care of."What should I care about, then?"You need to care about 2 things that make a brand - Micro and Macro Branding.Those two will get you way further than anything else. Let me break down each of them.Take notes along the way.

Macro Branding

This is a high-level thing you're known for.This is what everyone associates your community with.For example, we have my Twitter account (it's not a community, but just a good example), everyone knows me for community building. That's my main topic.I want people to know me for this. That's it.Choose your niche and don't be afraid to go broad here.Your goal isn't to differentiate yourself on this stage, your goal is to just specialize.Once you specialize, you need to go deeper, so that people REMEMBER you.You need to become unique.To do that, pick your micro branding strategy.

Micro Branding

This is what is going to make you stand out. You're going to stop being a commodity and differentiate yourself from the rest of your competition.First thing you do - choose your special edge, authentic things that only you have.It might even be your own weird personal obsession or a part of your background.In my case, it's undoubtedly the fact that I come from Ukraine.Not so many people build things in public while being in a few hundred kilometers away from the war zone. This makes many people remember me.Then, if we talk about a community itself, we need to take all the inside jokes out of it and place it outside. Let everyone see how close-knit your members are. Let everyone see how much fun you have in a community.Let yourself put internal branding for the public to watch that.

The last thing that I wanted to say - prioritize quality.Make sure that once people hear your name, they associate it with pure value and your personality, of course. This way, you win people's hearts. Then they drag more people in.

This is it for now! See you next Sunday, I'll be talking about choosing the right... You need to guess the right word now :)Yours,Valeria