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  • #14 "I struggle with engagement" | HelioHype | 💜💛

#14 "I struggle with engagement" | HelioHype | 💜💛

Now you don't need to, if you apply those strategies

Hello, Helios!So glad to see you here again. Now I'm going to talk about engagement and how to keep it high consistently, so that your community continues to thrive despite any obstacles.As I always like to mention, there's a problem with growing your community while keeping engagement consistently high. Usually, the more members you add - the less engaged your community becomes. But you can definitely fix that by applying the right strategies.

Filter out members you invite

This might seem to be the most controversial advice ever, but it works. Let me tell you, once I added one constraint to my community, I saw the biggest engagement ever. People were absolutely willing to talk to each other! That was fascinating.So, add some sort of bottleneck, maybe even a filtering process.Make sure only highest-quality people join you.

Be authentic

Don't act like a lifeless robot. Make sure you deliver on your promises and if you don't, you act like a human - you apologize.Not meeting up deadlines is okay. Don't panic, just talk about that to your members.Try to show some backstage as well - we all love unique things that only we get to see.

Take care of branding

I'm going to talk about that the next Sunday, so don't worry. For now, I can tell you that you need to focus not on colors and logos, but on the way your position your community. It's more than just looking aesthetic, it's about delivering the right message.I'll teach you this craft in the next newsletter.

Host more live events

It all comes down to being human again. The highest point of being a human is hosting tonnes of live events to make people believe that it's not an AI that writes all messages in your community.This is a great way to establish deep connections and make people ask more questions.

Hire someone

Outsource most of your tasks at some point. You won't be able to handle all of the processes yourself at some point. Don't limit your growth by the time you can spend on your community. Alternatively, you can try to find someone in the community itself who's interested in it so much, that one can work for free. That's an ideal, though not long-term situation

Once you follow all those 5 strategies, you'll be able to grow your community without ever struggling with engagement. It won't be your problem anymore.See you next Sunday, I'll talk about branding for communities.
