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  • #009 Simple community fixes that no one does

#009 Simple community fixes that no one does

stupidly easy to implement

Stop this madness….

That’s the way almost every community looks like…

Yes, and that’s a big problem - keeping people active, especially before the launch of your product is a big deal, hard task.

That I’m gonna break down into small, actionable tips RIGHT NOW

Yup, steps so simple that anyone can implement them and see an instant fix.

#1 Onboarding or Introductions

Just add an introduction channel.

I’d not do this in only a few cases, that are so limited that it’s rare to see them.
(maybe the freemium community is the broadest one)

Even though in those cases I’d still have an introduction - maybe even DMing everyone who joins, just to form some kind of relationships

This is literally the easiest way to create some form of engagement and make sure people start talking

People just love to introduce themselves or share some recent wins (an awesome question to include)

Now, let’s move to another one:

#2 Have something UNIQUE

I’ve seen some communities that just post all of the content from their socials right inside of the community

How do you expect people to react to that?

They’re not gonna be happy and lick your feet…

They’ll simply turn away from your community, it’s like posting the same content everywhere without even tweaking it.

Imagine - people gave all their attention to you to just see what they can find on YouTube or somewhere else.

That’s actually cruel

I’m not begging you to create a whole content plan months in advance.

No, just simply write a unique weekly piece of content that only people inside of the community can see.

That dead-end easy, stop the madness

#3 (last) Community is a plant

Yes, it’s an alive plant.

It doesn’t need you 24/7, but you can’t abandon it.

See members who are posting the most and give them perks, let them help you out.

Don’t just be a lone wolf trying to do everything by yourself, seek help and encourage ppl to contribute.

Otherwise, over a period of time, your community will become this

Those aren’t some magic tactics and not a fancy strategy.
Those are basic fundamentals to how you can build a good engaged community.

That’s it for today.

See you next Friday with some juicy stuff
(might reveal some of my strategies for you only)
