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  • #006 7 mistakes you make with your community

#006 7 mistakes you make with your community

those are so quick fixes


Yes, now I’m switching back to 1-day-a-week schedule

Every email other than that you should take as a blessing ;)

Now expect tips on community building and SaaS arrive to your wonderful inbox every Friday

The same time

Every single day

Alright, now let’s go back to the show

I’m going to talk about the most common 7 mistakes everyone makes in community building

  1. Trying to do everything alone when building a community

Solution: Engage an active core team, assign specific roles within the community, and focus on building trust and involvement.

  1. Neglecting to learn about the necessary technologies and instead relying solely on trial and error when building a community

Solution: Acquire the relevant technical knowledge to ensure the development, scalability, and monetization of the community for your SaaS company.

  1. Insisting on imposing your own vision without considering feedback from community members when building a community

Solution: Foster open communication and collaboration within the community, adopting a win-win approach to incorporate feedback and ensure the success of your SaaS company's community.

  1. Believing that you can sustainably offer your services for free without generating revenue when building a community

Solution: While membership fees may not be necessary, it's important to establish a profitable model that benefits both your SaaS and community members.

  1. Assuming that offering free services is enough to attract and retain users in your SaaS community.

Solution: Create diverse membership options and pricing structures that cater to different target audiences and budget ranges. Explore various monetization strategies specifically tailored for a SaaS community. You might want to upsell people more by running special challenges and promotions, for example.

  1. Trying to please everyone and neglecting to lead with a clear vision and values when building a community

Solution: Be a strong leader, staying true to your company's values, even when faced with challenges or differing opinions within the community.

  1. Underestimating the uniqueness and value of your community, thinking that anyone can easily replicate it.

Solution: Recognize that your community serves a specific purpose and addresses a particular market need. Understand that not everyone can successfully build and sustain a community for your company, emphasizing the interdisciplinary skills and long-term demand it requires.

By combining the right technological tools, strategic approaches, and a shared objective, you can build a thriving community for your SaaS company that brings value, enjoyment, and profitability.

Next time I will talk about mistakes with gamification that are so sneaky, so little, but they ruin literally everything.

See ya,