#004 Lies about your customers

little to no one thinks about it

Today, one thing happened to me in the morning…

Is almost everyone else, I can't live without my morning coffee, so each morning I go to a small café to get myself one.

And this morning changed everything

Since I was constantly buying coffee here, the barista knew me

And we started a little chat about my and her life

She started talking about her life problems, her parents not understanding her, her trying to pursue something new, her being scared of doing something new in her life and still doing it anyways…

Her life background, struggles of living in Ukraine (and how it made some of her ambitions dead)

That was a huge ramble and it lasted for a while…

Then I’ve realized one thing, which is truly transformative both for any service you provide, software you sell or a community you build:

The People You Attract Have Almost Identical Problems as You

That’s true no matter who you are - a millionaire or a homeless person

If you think about the problems you encounter, you’ll see commonalities between you and anyone else

Why so?

Honestly, my best assumption is that we’re all humans - with (almost) the same thinking patterns

Therefore, every time you build a group of people who you want to have in your community or sell something to
And you wanna do it better

Just ask yourself one stupidly simple question:

What problems do I have?

Then solve them.

You may not be better than everyone else at doing that.

You just need to be one of the best in understanding yourself and others.

That’s what that barista taught me ;)
Hope it gave you some clarity as well.

Tomorrow around that time I will send some more “juicy” email.
Hope you’ll like it too
