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  • #003 This is what every big corporation is doing

#003 This is what every big corporation is doing

...it's that simple


Really glad to see you again…

You may be wondering about the title of this email a lot.

But that’s that cognitive dissonance that I have.

Can you guess what every big SaaS company has (department, feature, etc) that no one talks about/has no clue?

Let me show you some pictures:

have you guessed?



That’s exactly it - all of them have harnessed the power of a community.

I was surprised to know that Spotify has a community manager, even though they don’t have some specific community (unlike Notion or SalesForce)

Why does that happen though?

I know why…

They don’t want you to succeed 🤫

Okay, it shouldn’t sound like some conspiracy theory.

It’s just that we forget about the BASICS.

Such as:

  • If you add value, people love it

  • If you help people, they stay for longer

  • If you do both of that, they refer your business

It’s dead-end simple.

And no flashy marketing tactic, no amount of paid ads will solve this.

Only community does - the sense of belonging to a certain group of people who use your specific product.

Only when your users become as proud of using Notion and calling themselves Notioners as using your software, you won.

It’s a different kind of game.
It’s about becoming out-of-the-competition.

It’s about becoming the competition.

Now imagine adding gamification to it and stand out even more…

That’s a true power.
Use it before everyone knows about it…


(see you tomorrow at around this time)